Rochelle LaRose
For your convenience we have two links
Use this button to fill out a Scope of Appointment which is required (It's a Medicare rule) before agents can quote plans. This client intake form will also enable you to send me your Doctor's names and your Prescription list which will assist me in quoting you suitable plan choices. I will then quote you 3 Medicare plans I believe will be your most ideal plan choices.
Instructions to Complete Intake Form. Please read.
Note: If you have already completed a Client Intake form, use View Medicare Plans to view plans or enroll. You can skip over filling out your drugs and doctors and go directly to View Plans and, if you choose to do so, to self-enroll.
1. To enter doctors on the Client Intake Form simply type in the doctor’s name and select. You can add as many doctors as you like. Wait until all doctors are entered to click Save and Continue.
2. Next enter your drugs or if you prefer you may skip this section. After adding a few letters, you will be able to see matches and choose your drug. Finish entering your drugs before you click Save and Continue.
3. Scope of Appointment: When you fill out the first section, click the plans that you would like to discuss with me. By Medicare rules, an agent can only discuss plan types which you check. For example, if you only want to discuss Medicare Advantage plans, only click the Medicare Advantage box. Many people will click all of the box choices. That way we will not be restricted in our discussion.
5. You are generally signing for yourself and not as a representative.